Query Letters / Manuscripts

Queries are always welcome. Please indicate the subject of your proposed article, let us know whom you plan to interview (if applicable, say for one of our IN FOCUS Chocolatier articles), and let us know why you think the article might be interesting to our readers.  Please feel free to submit a few samples of your work along with your query letter.

We do review unsolicited manuscripts as well, but recommend query letters as the best place to start.

Queries should be emailed to: Er**@Ch*********************.com

Articles are due two weeks before publication date, and please see below for our publishing schedule.  Manuscripts should be sent as a e-mail attachments, and Open Office is our preferred format.  Microsoft Word will also be accepted.

If you are submitting photos, please supply detailed captions. Writers must provide accurate, thoroughly-researched articles, including correct spelling of any person’s name, etc.

If your work is accepted, you agree to let us edit the article as appropriate for Chocolate Connoisseur Magazine, but you retain all the rights to your original work and any version we publish.

Publishing Schedule

Chocolate Connoisseur publishes a new issue each and every month, 12 times per year.  We normally publish to subscribers in the first half of the month.


We currently do not pay freelance writers, although we will publish freelance work if you’re looking to get published without compensation. We’re also filling two to three internships in 2018, so if you’re interested in working part time for valuable experience and education, please send an email to the address noted below, with a subject of INTERNSHIP.

We do, however, not only publish your article in our online magazine, but we also offer some online authority via our Chocolate Blog.  If you’re looking to get your name out there as a writer, we can most certainly assist on that front.  We are also more than happy to provide recommendation letters, endorsements, etc. for writers who work well with us and supply solid content.

At some point in 2018 we expect to start paying freelancers for articles, and already have a short list of writers ready to join in the Chocolate Connoisseur fun. If you’d like to join that list, simply send us an email and let us know. We’ll add you to the list.

Where to Send

Queries should be emailed to: Er**@Ch*********************.com

Any physical mail may be sent to:
Chocolate Connoisseur Magazine
c/o Mightier Pen Publishing
P.O. Box 13538
Mesa, AZ 85216