Chocolate Connoisseur and Singing Rooster
Three Different Packages of Chocolate Bars, Cacao Nibs and Coffee
Singing Rooster Package #1 – $26.97
8 Certified Organic and Fair Trade Haitian
Chocolate Bars — two of each variety

1. Lemon Ginger

2. Peanut Moringa**

3. Pure Dark Delicious

4. Orange Crunch
Singing Rooster Package #2 – $28.97
1-lb Roasted Cacao Nibs plus 4 Certified Organic and Fair Trade
Haitian Chocolate Bars — one of each variety

1. Roasted Cacao Nibs

2. Four Chocolate Bars
Singing Rooster Package #3 – $39.97
12 oz bag of Gwo Cheval Haitian Premium Coffee, 1-lb Roasted Cacao Nibs, plus
4 Certified Organic and Fair Trade Haitian Chocolate Bars — one of each variety

1. Gwo Cheval Haitian Premium Coffee

2. Roasted Cacao Nibs

3. Four Chocolate Bars
Singing Rooster
Singing Rooster is a social enterprise non-profit established in 2009; we are a member of the Fair Trade Federation but we are more than Fair Trade. We partner commercially with small-holder producers to alleviate poverty in Haiti by building stronger businesses:
- Agricultural and business consultants
- Organizers of pre-harvest financing
- Primary buyers of crops/products at premium prices
- Transforming crops into higher value items (like roasted coffee or chocolate bars)
- Business guiders, developers, cheerleaders
- Equitably distributing economic gains
For more information, visit Singing Rooster online: