Haitians love Chocolate Chaud (hot chocolate), and you will too with this spicy, authentic recipe!
In tandem with the February 2017 issue and our IN FOCUS feature on them (and let’s not forget their outstanding chocolate offer this month), Singing Rooster is serving up an authentic Haitian Hot Chocolate recipe to complement their delicious Cinnamon Cayenne Chocolate Bar.
Haitians absolutely LOVE Chocolate Chaud, and this recipe is a nice, special treat to make at home for Valentine’s Day. Haitians spice hot chocolate with cinnamon and cayenne – spices that go into almost everything. One note — with few cows in Haiti, milk is a luxury, so evaporated milk is frequently used.
Please let us know how you feel about the recipe in the Comments below, and enjoy!
Makes 4 servings and takes approximately 10 minutes to prepare.
Haitian Hot Chocolate (Cinnamon & Cayenne)
2 bars (3 oz) of Singing Rooster’s Cinnamon Cayenne chocolate (or chocolate of your choice)
1 can evaporated milk
2 cups of whole milk
A pinch of salt
— Add additional cinnamon & cayenne to taste
— Optional: many Haitians use Star Anise to flavor hot chocolate. Experiment by placing a slice of this delicious fruit into a cups & then pour the hot chocolate over the fruit before serving.
Melt chocolate in double boiler
If adding extra cinnamon & cayenne (see Garnish), then do so now
Slowly add can of evaporated milk – mixing fully before each addition.
Do the same with whole milk
Add the pinch of salt
Enjoy your hot chocolate the Haitian way with hearty bread and a HUGE dollop of butter!