NOTE: We publish multiple blog posts previews for each issue, to give you an idea of what you’ll find inside. Scroll down below to see which posts we’ve already published for the July 2017 Issue.

Ask a Chocolate Expert with David Menkes

Chocolate University — Fighting for Gender Equality in the Chocolate Supply Chain

The Healthy Bean: Chocolate... It's Complicated

On the Chocolate Regular: DAGOBA

Recipe of the Month: Stout Chocolate Cake

Editor’s Corner — One Crazy Summer Underway!

Marisa’s Chocolate Adventure — Springtime in Paris

Chocolate News

Chocolate Calendar

On the Cover / Credits
33 Books Offer
Ready to take the next step towards chocolate connoisseur? Then don’t miss this chance to pick up a chocolate journal. Embrace the Flavor Wheel and discover how taking simple notes with a 33 Chocolates journal can elevate both your chocolate understanding and appreciation.
Paris Chocolate – Marisa’s Chocolate Adventure Preview
Paris… place of myth and legend… a feast for the senses… all with a mixture of ancient magnificence and modern elegance. There is an overt beauty within the City of Light and if you give it permission, it will capture your soul. Marisa Mudge takes you deep in the heart of ole “Pa-ree” for an elite chocolate tour.
Gender Inequality in Cacao Farming
In this month’s Chocolate University, Rene Zimbelman discusses the issues facing women who work within the cacao supply chain, bringing the fight for gender equality to the forefront and raising awareness of those making an effort to break down the barriers facing women cacao farmers and workers today…