JULY 2018 Issue Preview
NOTE: We publish multiple blog posts previews for each issue, to give you an idea of what you’ll find inside. Scroll down below to see which posts we’ve already published for the July 2018 Issue.

In Focus: Zak's Chocolate

Chocolate One-on-One with Victoria Cooksey: Shawn Askinosie, Part Ii

Zak's Chocolate Discs Recipe

Chocolate News: Zowie Educates Kids on Wildlife Conservation, Ghana Steps Up, and a New Non-GMO Sunflower Lecithin

Ask a Chocolate Expert

Editor's Corner -- Shout Out to Shawn Askinosie

Chocolate Calendar

On the Cover / Credits
Askinosie Chocolate – Chocolate One-on-One with Victoria Cooksey Part II
Victoria Cooksey returns with part two of her exclusive interview with Askinosie Chocolate’s Shawn Askinosie. In this second segment, Shawn further expounds on his new book, “Meaningful Work: A Quest to Do Great Business, Find Your Calling and Feed Your Soul”, discussing self-doubt and the deeper human connections he’s made via speaking engagements related to the book’s content.
Zak’s Chocolate – In Focus
In Focus returns with more local, Phoenix flare as we shine the chocolate spotlight on Zak’s Chocolate up in Scottsdale. Discover a chocolate experience unlike any other in the Phoenix area and beyond, as Zak’s owners, Maureen & Jim Elitzak, craft nearly everything in-house, including their own cacao butter!
Chocolate Connoisseur Favorites Coffee Mugs
During our summer chocolate-shipping hiatus, we’re celebrating our first two Chocolate Connoisseur Favorite Award winners from 2017 — LetterPress Chocolate and Elements Truffles. With this first-of-its-kind offer, we’re also kicking off our own line of fun products and swag for chocolate lovers and fans of Chocolate Connoisseur Magazine.