NOTE: We publish multiple blog posts previews for each issue, to give you an idea of what you’ll find inside. Scroll down below to see which posts we’ve already published for the January 2018 Issue.

On the Chocolate Regular: Theo

Inside Chocolate -- 2017 Year in Review

The Healthy Bean: Healthy Ways to Start the New Year with Chocolate

Recipe of the Month: Madécasse Sea Salt and Nibs Brownies

Chocolate Channel -- Theo in the Congo, Plus Healthy Recipes

Editor's Corner -- Chocolate Connois-sick?

Chocolate News

Chocolate Calendar

On the Cover / Credits
Chocolate News January 2018
The Walk a Mile Project weighs in on the chocolate going extinct in forty years news blurb that hit over the holidays… Endangered Species hires a new Director of Brand and Marketing… and we discuss Vox’s take on the “Chocolate Science Hype Machine.”
Healthy Chocolate: Five Ways to Add Healthy Chocolate to Your Diet
Healthy chocolate! Taking a more health-conscious approach to the way we eat tends to take center stage at the start of the new year, and that’s a good thing, especially if we implement easy changes, built to last. Here are five different ways to add chocolate into your diet, healthy chocolate habits that can add up to healthier, happier you…
On the Chocolate Regular – Theo Chocolate – Preview
Joe Whinney and Debra Music have created quite a company together. Maybe you’ve heard of it… Theo Chocolate? Learn the inspiring story behind their chocolate and where to find their products across America.
Chocolate Connoisseur 2018 Favorites Awards
In this preview version of our big “Inside Chocolate: 2017 — Year in Review” article, we’re simply focusing on one section: the announcements of our first ever “Favorites,” informal awards if you will, to showcase the chocolate that meant the most to us last year. Below the awards, I offer more insight into the process, but now, without further ado, let’s unveil the winners publicly for the first time…