NOTE: We publish multiple blog posts previews for each issue, to give you an idea of what you’ll find inside. Scroll down below to see which posts we’ve already published for the December 2017 Issue.

25% Discount on the Holiday Chocolate Shop

On the Chocolate Regular: Holiday Chocolate 2017

In Focus: Madécasse

Marisa's Chocolate Adventure: Northwest Chocolate Festival

Recipe of the Month: Madécasse Chocolate Truffles

Ask a Chocolate Expert with David Menkes

Editor's Corner -- And the LetterPress Chocolate Peru Bar Winner is...

Chocolate News

Chocolate Calendar

On the Cover / Credits
Madécasse Chocolate: In Focus
From New Jersey to Scotland to Madagascar, follow the journey of Madécasse co-founder Tim McCollum from aspiring baseball player, to the Peace Corps, to one of the great difference makers not only in the chocolate world, but in the country of Madagascar as well…
Holiday Chocolate 2017 – Chocolate Stocking Stuffers
This holiday season, your choices include four holiday bars from Theo Chocolate (still the holiday chocolate king), three bars from Endangered Species Chocolate, and one from Tony’s Chocolonely. We also spotted Little Secrets Dark Chocolate Candies (an actually edible M&M-like candy) pretty much everywhere as well, and we’ll briefly mention three more bars from Chuao Chocolatier to “wrap” it all up…
Holiday Chocolate Shop 2017
Welcome to the 2017 Holiday Chocolate Shop, a one-stop shop for holiday chocolate and chocolate-related items, where we bring back earlier participants over the past year, give you great holiday season deals (with your 10% or 25% off discounts), and we donate up to 10% to Enliven Cacao, a nonprofit…