JUNE 2018 Issue Preview
NOTE: We publish multiple blog posts previews for each issue, to give you an idea of what you’ll find inside. Scroll down below to see which posts we’ve already published for the June 2018 Issue.

On the Chocolate Regular -- Alter Eco

Chocolate One-on-One with Victoria Cooksey: Shawn Askinosie, Part I

Alter Eco Chocolate Mint Strawberry Brownies Recipe

Chocolate News: Fine & Raw Chocolate news, new chocolate quinoa, and we honor Anthony Bourdain

Chocolate Channel -- Chocolate Songs of Summer

Alter Eco Nutty Chocolate & Caramel Cups Recipe

Editor's Corner -- Farewell to Anthony Bourdain

Chocolate Calendar

On the Cover / Credits
Chocolate Songs of Summer Playlist
Chocolate songs of summer… in an uber-energized, revamped version of last Fall’s Chocolate Channel, this time we focus exclusively on the uplifiting summer vibe, but with songs tied to chocolate in one way or another. Kick your summer off right with these fun chocolate songs!
Alter Eco – On the Chocolate Regular
Sure, you’ve most likely already heard of Alter Eco Chocolate… but do you know all the different ways this unique company makes the world a better place every single day? Read on to discover how Alter Eco’s passions run much deeper than saving the environment, and learn why they sit near the top of all On the Chocolate Regular options as well…